Simply click 'Add' to add items to your basket as you're shopping. You can view the contents of your basket at any time by clicking the 'My Basket' button in the top right of each page. Once you're happy with your items simply click 'Checkout' and follow the on screen instructions which will take you to our secure payment page.

All prices quoted on our website are accurate at the time of publication and are quoted in pounds sterling (£) and where appropriate are inclusive of UK sales tax (VAT) at the current rate. 

You may cancel your order (once accepted by us), for any reason, up until the point of dispatch. If you do cancel the contract within this time any payments made by you will be refunded in full within 28 days. 

We take care to ensure the items descriptions and specifications are correct, however whilst the colour reproduction of the products is a close representation, we cannot accept any responsibility for any variation in the colour caused by the browser software or the computer system you use. 

We aim to provide excellent customer service, because our customers are very important to us! If for any reason you experience a problem with your order, please do not hesitate to contact us via the website form or email info@homewoodandrose.co.uk and we will do our very best to try and rectify it as soon as possible! 

We accept all major credit and debit cards plus payment through PayPal. 

We want all our customers to have peace of mind when purchasing from Homewood and Rose. We will not pass your personal details on to any third parties and your financial information will be securely destroyed.